Saturday, November 1, 2008

Traditional Senior Class Portraits: A Thing of the Past

Just recently, I was hired to shoot high school senior portraits on the beach.  I learned that one of the nationwide companies has already taken some indoor senior photos; however, they were not only very "stuffy", but packages ranged from $150 to $200 for a couple of 5x7s and an 8x10.  As a photographer, I can tell you that I would never pay that amount for only a few photos.  These are two of the many reasons why people hire me to shoot on-site photos.

Let me tell you the benefits of shooting on-site as opposed to in a studio.  Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy time within a studio.  Frankly, it's easier to control lighting in a studio, you don't have to worry about outdoor elements, and there is no need to lug your equipment anywhere.  However, the benefits of on-site photography greatly outweigh the benefits of studio shots, in my own opinion.  The studio is a controlled environment.  Clients immediately look to the photographer for direction on where to stand, what to do, where to look, etc.  There's a time for that type of photography; however, it can sometime limit the range of emotions, energy, realism within a shoot.  More often than not, people feel comfortable within an area that is "normal" or "neutral".  Call it human nature.  For this reason, the range of emotions are escalated tremendously, providing for more natural photos.  Smiles are more real, especially in children.  Creating a fun and natural environment brings out the best energy and greatest rewards.

My final advise:  when you inquire about senior, family, or group portraits, check with the photographer to determine whether outdoor or on-site photographs are included with the studio shots.  And, unless you want to take out a second mortgage, pass on those high priced photos and shop around before the first shot is taken.